Re-introducing Heta Studio, 2023 Edition

This website was created in 2020 just as a sandbox where I throw various enterpreneur ideas and run proof of concepts.

In the past 3 years, I’ve continued to expend the creative output from the routine sketching into various formats: an illustration book on Amazon KDP, merch on my Spring store; a digital game, the Patreon membership, as well as a monthly substack newsletter.

In 2023, the direction is becoming more clear that, all my creative outputs has brought me back to the art of making games – and I want to make games that create value to overall society – hence games that help kids really learn things, yet in a fun, engaging way. This idea was planted at least 3 years ago, and we are now in a position to really develop it.

The website will be revamped with a new look, and organizational things such as mission and visions will be added soon. Please feel free to reach out via DM on X or Threads (I intended to use Threads as a more formal channel, but I think the product is not completely ready for commercial use – for one, wordpress doesn’t even have a proper widget for it yet. ) – appreciate any ideas or feedback!

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