First post! (what I’ve been up to in September/October)

Aside from the day-to-day ‘job’ related stuffs…

Learning stuffs

  • DevOps with Terraform, Vagrant & AWS (Udemy lesson)
  • Agile with Jira & Confluence (Udemy lesson)
  • A bunch of courses on Communication and Strategic Planning (LinkedIn Learning)
  • GDevelop – a no-code 2D game engine that’s pretty powerful (what is your next Flappy Bird idea?)
  • Pixel Arts (Udemy lesson) – I want to eventually build a game or two, and decided this may have a shorter learning curve than doing 3D (I realize I may be completely wrong there).  Here is some of my prouder work:
  • I’m also reading up on investing.  Yes, I am one of those ppl who procrastinate on finance… What better time to start learning than now?

Creating and hacking stuffs

  • Inktober: draw one thing a day for 31 days – I started doing this in 2019 and they are all posted on my Instagram feed
  • Raspberry pi – installed pi-hole, Tor proxy, WordPress+LAMP stack 🙂
  • Bought a Chromebook (Acer Spin 713 with 10th gen Intel i5), swapped in a 500GB M.2 drive and played with vmc, lxc (crostini stack) installed VS Code and… of course, Steam 😉

Consuming stuffs

  • Read a bunch of books, Medium articles, magazines
  • Gaming! Finally beat Portal 2, Bioshock Infinite and its DLC1.  Now playing: Rise of Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite DLC2 (“Burial at Sea”)

OK sorry that was a bit much since it cover two months.  I plan to do this review monthly so the next post will for sure be shorter 🙂  Keep up learning and making things!

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